


Racial Case by Kansas University Student

A racist social media post sent by a Kansas State University student has administrators taking action.
It all started with a Snaptchat photo Paige Shoemaker post of herself and her friend, Sadie Meier, posing together in a black facial mask.

The Snapchat post shows Paige and another female with their faces covered in a dark material with the caption, "Feels good to finally be a (n word.)"

The photo and caption eventually made its way over to Facebook where Kansas State University was tagged. Shortly after, that the post was shared to many students on campus.

"We want people to know this is not blackface. We did not paint our faces intentional(ly)," says Shoemaker.

Meier and Shoemaker have been expelled.

"Kansas State University was tagged today in social media posts that were racist in nature," the university responded. "The posts were immediately removed from university accounts. Kansas State University does not condone this inappropriate behavior and expects the K-State family to adhere to our principles of community."

Paige posted an apology publicly on her Facebook page saying "We never intended for the picture to offend anyone. We had only meant for it to be taken in a funny way."

KSNT reports that both Paige and Sadie have received death threats.